What is an EO?
a. Map to a database table or other data source
b. Each entity object instance represents a single row
c. Contains attributes representing database columns
d. Fundamental BC4J object through which all inserts/updates/deletes
interact with the database
e. Central point for business logic and validation related to a table
f. Encapsulates attribute-level and entity-level validation logic
g. Can contain custom business methods
2. What is a VO?
a. Represent a query result
b. Are used for joining, filtering, projecting, and sorting your
business data
c. Can be based on any number of entity objects
d. Can also be constructed from a SQL statement
What are the methods in controller?
ProcessRequest, ProcessformData and processformrequest
ProcessRequest : is called when the page is requested for the first time
from the server.
ProcessFormRequest : is called when some event occurs on the page
ProcessformData(not visible). : Used to capture Data from the form
fields which the user has entered and post it into Model Layer.
What is a Controller?
Controller is the java file and can be associated to a complete OAF page
or to a specific region.
There are several tasks you will do routinely in your code.
Handle button press and other events
Automatic queries
Dynamic WHERE clauses
JSP Forwards
The logic for accomplishing all these tasks is written in controller
5. When is the processRequest method called?
PR method is called when the page is getting rendered onto the screen
6. When is processFormRequest method called?
PFR method is called when we perform some action on the screen like
click of submit button or click on lov
7. What is extension?
Extension is when you take an already existing component ex an OAF page
or a region and then add some more functionality to it without disturbing the
original functionality.
8. What is personalization?
Oracle Apps Framework has an OA Personalization Framework associated
with it so that you can personalize any OAF page in an Oracle E-business Suite
application without changing the basic or underlying code of that OA Framework
page, Oracle Application Framework makes it very easy to personalize the
appearance of the page or even the personalization of data displayed on to an
OA Framework page.
9. What are levels of personalization?
1. Function Level
2. Localization Level
3. Site Level
4. Organization Level
5. Responsibility Level
6. Admin-Seeded User Level
7. Portlet Level
8. User Level
10) What is BC4J?
Business Components for Java is JDeveloper’s programming framework for
building multitier database applications from reusable business components.
These applications typically consist of:
• A client-side user interface written in Java and/or HTML.
• One or more business logic tier components that provide business logic
and views of business objects.
• Tables on the database server that store the underlying data.
11.What are all the components of BC4J?
Following are the components of BC4J:
• Entity Object - EO encapsulates the business logic and rules. EO’s are
used for Inserting, Updating and Deleting data from the database table. E0 is
also used for validating the records across the applications.
• View Object - View object encapsulates the database query. It is used
for selecting data. It provides iteration over a query result set. VO’s are
primarily based on EO’s. It can be used on multiple EO’s if the UI is for
• Application Module - Application Modules serve as containers for
related BC4J components. The pages are related by participating in the same
task. It also defines the logical data model and business methods needed.
12) What is an EO?
EO encapsulates the business logic and rules.EO’s are used for
Inserting, Updating and Deleting data. This is used for validating across the
applications. We can also link to other EO’s and create a Association object.
13) What is an VO?
View object encapsulates the database
query. It is used for selecting data. It provides iteration over a query result
set.VO’s are primarily based on Eo’s. It can be used on multiple EO’s if the UI
is for update. It provides a single point of contact for getting and setting
entity object values. It can be linked together to form View Links.
What is an AO?
An association object is created where we link EO’s. For example take
the search page where we link the same EO to form a association between the
manager and employee. Every employee should have a manager associated. But if
it President then no there is no manager associated. This is a perfect example
to understand the AO.
15) What is an VL?
A view link is an active link between view links. A view link can be
created by providing the source and destination views and source and
destination attributes. There are two modes of View link operation that can be
performed. A document and Master/Detail operation.
16). What is UIX?
UIX is an extensible, J2EE-based
framework for building web applications. It is based on the
Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, which provides the foundation for
building scalable enterprise web applications.
17). Where the VO is located in the MVC architecture?
VO is located in the View Layer in MVC which is responsible for
presenting the data to the user.
18) Which package should include EO and AO.
The EO and AO will be present in the schema.server package.
19) What is the difference between inline lov and external lov.
Inline lov is a lov which is used only for that particular page for
which it was created and cannot be used by any other page.
External lov is a common lov which can be used by any page. It is a
common component for any page to use it. It can be used by giving the full path
of the lov in the properties section “External LOV” of the item.
20) what is a Javabean?
JavaBeans is an object-oriented
programming interface that lets you build re-useable applications or program
building blocks called components that can be deployed in a network on any
major operating system platform.
21) What is query Bean?
QueryBean is used to execute and return
the results of a query on behalf of the QueryPortlet application.
22) what is the difference between
autocustomization criteria and result based search?
Results based search generates search
items automatically based on the columns on the results table.
In Autocustomization search we need to
set what all fields are required to display as a search criteria.
23) what is MDS?
MDS is MetaData Service. When a web page
is broken into small units like buttons,fields etc they are stored in a
database. These are not stored as binary files but as data in tables. The data
are present in JDR tables. MDS provides service to store & return page
definitions. MDS collects those definitions in components/fields in a
meaningful manner to build a page.
24) What is XML?
XML is a markup language for documents
containing structured information.
Structured information contains both
content (words, pictures, etc.) and some indication of what role that content
plays (for example, content in a section heading has a different meaning from
content in a footnote, which means something different than content in a figure
caption or content in a database table, etc.).
25) What is the difference between
customization and extension?
Customization is under direct user
control. The user explicitly selects between certain options. Using
customization a user can:
Altering the functionality of an application
Altering existing UI
Altering existing business logic
Extension is about extending the
functionality of an application beyond what can be done through
personalization. Using extension we can:
Add new functional flows
Extend or override existing business logic
Create New application/module
Create New page
Create New attribute
Extend/Override defaults & validations
26) What is Personalization?
Personalization enables you to
declaratively tailor the UI look-and-feel, layout or visibility of page content
to suit a business need or a user preference. Using Personalization we can:
• Tailor the order in which table columns are displayed.
• Tailor a query result.
• Tailor the color scheme of the UI.
• Folder Forms
• Do Forms Personalization
27)Can you extend every possible
Application Module?
Answer: No..Root AM cannot be extended.
28) What is rootAM?
The application module which is
associated with the top-level page region (the pageLayout region) is root
application module.
29) Why can’t Root AM be extended?
The root AM is loaded first and after
that the MDS Substitutions are parsed.
Hence ROOT AM gets loaded even before
the time the substitutions definition from MDS layer get worked out.
Obviously, the root am cant substitute
itself, hence it can’t be extended
30)What are the various profile options
in OAF?
FND Diagnostics: required for ABOUT THIS
PAGE and Diagnostic link on page.
Personalize Self Service Definitions: To
enable Personalize page link on the page.
FND Personalization Region Link Enabled:
used to enable Region Personalization links at every region.
FND Migrate to JRAD: By default set to Yes.
Page would run from MDS if Yes, else it will run from AK.
FND Document root path: required for
personalization migration. It is set to path of the MDS folder on the
respective servers.
FND Branding image:
FND Banding Size: these profiles options
are used for changing standard image (Oracle) on the page.
31)Steps for VO substitution?
1. About this Page-> VO, AM, EO, Path
of Page
2. Export Commad (in cmd Prompt)
3. New .jpr =Open page
4. Look for AM and VO or EO.
5. Copy the class files of VO,AM or EO
6. Decompile into Java and store it into
MyProjects (with respective directory structure)
7. Open VO.xml in a new jpr
8. Create a new BC4J based on your
Original VO.
9. Create a new VO and extends original
10. Change the query
11. Rebuild the project
12. Go to .jpx(double click)
13. Go to Substitutions
14. Substitute Vo
15. Rebuild your Project .jpr
16. Transfer New VO class and xml to
respective directory structure
17. FTP .jpx into $JAVA _TOP
18. unix command promrt CD$ JAVA_TOP
19. jpx importer command
20. Bounce Apache Server
32)What are different methods for
passing paramaters?
1. Tokens
eg. vname={@AttributeName}
2. Hash Maps
eg. HashMap variablename=nre HashMap();
eg. pageContext.putSessionvalue(“ParamterName”,ParameterValue)
33) setForwardURL list
There are many parameters, here is the
complete list of it:-
public void setForwardURL(String
byte menuContextAction,
String menuName,
boolean retainAM,
String addBreadCrumb,
byte messagingLevel)
functionName – This is the function name
representing the page you want to forward to. If its null, an
IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
Also if the function is not under the
current HOMEPAGE a OAException will be thrown.
menuContextAction – Determines the
behavior of the MenuContext after forwarding to the new page. It accepts the
following values:
OAWebBeanConstants.KEEP_MENU_CONTEXT: Keeps
the menu context as is.
Keeps the menu context as is, but will not display all menus including global
Keeps the menu context as is, but will not display all menus excluding global
Removes the menu context
Selects the given functionName function if it exists in the current menu.
If not it will try to make a guess by moving
up the menu tree until it finds it. An exception will be thrown if the function
could not be located.
Reset the menu context to the given functionName and menuName.
menuName – The name of the HOMEPAGE menu
to reset the Menu context to when the menuContextAction is
If the menuName is not of type HOMEPAGE
a OAException will be thrown. You can pass null otherwise.
parameters -
HashMap of parameter name/value pairs to
append to the forward URL. The final forward URL parameters are in the
following sequence:
It will first get the function’s
corresponding URL call by querying the function information from the database.
If the user is not authorized to execute this function, a security OAException
will be thrown.
It will then append all parameters
passed in the parameters HashMap. First parameter added to the HashMap will be
first added to the URL. Also the framework will encode all parameter values
before appending them to the URL.
It will remove all parameters if they
have null values in the passed parameters HashMap. This provides an easy way
for developers to set a certain parameter’s value to null if they want to
remove it.
It will remove any OA Framework internal
URL parameters such as bcrumb, retainAM, and so on..
retainAM – If true, all the cached
application modules will be retained. If false, all the cached application
modules will be released.
Developers must use this parameter to
control the release behavior of the cached appplication modules.
This method will ignore any
retainAM=true or retainAM=false as a URL parameter or as part of parameters
34)Code to copy rows in VO
public void copy()
SuppliersVOImpl pervo = getSuppliersVO1();
Row row[] =
for (int i=0;i<row.length;i++)
SuppliersVORowImpl rowi =
OADBTransaction trx =
Number b =
AttributeList a = (AttributeList)rowi;
SuppliersVORowImpl r
//Set here your unique attribute values, I'm
setting here Supplier Id as for every new row it should be different.
35)what for isPreparedForExecution() and
executeQuery() methods used?
isPreparedForExecution function will
check whether all parameters are assigned properly and query is ready for
On multiple navigations to the page this
query will not be executed multiple times.
While executeQuery function is used for
executing the VO query so that it can fetch the data from database into VO
36) What is the pattern used in developing
any OAF component?
MVC (Model, View, Controller)
Lists the components in the MVC architecture
Model: Application Module, View Objects, View Links, Entity Objects,
Entity Associations etc.
View: Page, Region, Attributesets etc.
Controller: Controller class files
37) Which is the component responsible for
user actions?
Controller is the object. The code present in ProcessFormRequest gets
executed up on the user action.
38) If we have to initialize something
during the page loading, which is the right place?
ProcessRequest() method of the Controller file is the right place.
39) What is the significance of
For a ‘POST’ request the data on the page is binded to the view object
in this method
40) Does ‘GET’ request result in calling
No, only POST request calls that.
What is the main Controller component in OAF?
OAController is the main class and our controller will become subclass
of it.
42.How does page structure get created
at runtime?
OAPageBean is responsible for creating the bean hierarchy structure at
runtime after calling ProcessRequest() of each of the beans in the hierarchy.
43.Where does the client BC4J objects
get placed in the server?
A. They are located in the
44.Where does the server BC4J objects
get placed in the server?
They are located in the
45.Where does the Page and Controller
related files get placed?
They are located in
46.What are Validation View Objects?
They are the VVO’s used in validation of attributes, they are the BC4J
components and have their AM ie VAM Validation Application Module
What is the version of Jdeveloper to be used in 11i or R12?
For 11i, Jdeveloper 9i will be used and for R12 Jdeveloper 10g will be
What is a Database Connectivity File?
It is a .dbc file which is specified in the project properties. The
location of this file on the server is $FND_TOP/secure
What is a View Object?
It is a BC4J(Business Component for Java) object which encapsulates the
query results. View objects will support the display of the content to user in
the Page.
50. How
do you create a view object?
View objects can be created in the Business components package, can be
based on entity objects or an sql query. View objects based on sql query are
read only view objects
What is an entity object?
Entity object is created based on a database table, it is responsible
for insertion/updation/validation of the table data. They are stored in the
oracle.apps.<prod>.<application>.schema.server package directory
What is an Application Module(AM)?
Application module holds the related objects pertaining to an
application ie. View objects, Entity Objects etc. The application module helps
in getting the required database connection, maintains the page session or
transaction context
What is the object passed to every page request?
OAPageContext object is passed to every request, using this object the
controller initializes the application module object and will call the required
Where is the view object(VO) initialization or query filtering done?
It is done with view object implementation class Ex. EmpVOImpl.java
What is the property to set for an AM so that the transaction state is
maintained across pages?
RETENTION_LEVEL property is set to value MANAGE_STATE for an AM.
56.What is the Personalization?
Personalization means changes to the existing ‘Page’ according to the
customer requirement
57.Give some examples of Page
Addition of new columns to a table results, adding of fields, changing
the order of regions, columns etc. Apart from this validation of certain
fields, display of Descriptive flex fields etc can also be achieved
What is extension?
Extension is the changing of the existing components for adding more
features or customer required features. View Objects, Controller, Application
Module can be extended.
What is substitution?
When view objects are extended, we need to tell the applications that
our extended view object should be used or substituted during runtime, substitution
will serve this purpose
How to do register a new OA Framework page in Oracle Applications?
oracle.jrad.tools.XMLImporter utility will be used. After successfully
importing the page data will be stored in metadata repository tables of the
61. How do you move personalization from one machine to another?
Using the functional administrator responsibility the xml file can be
downloaded, this file contains the required personalization done on a
particular page. The same can be used to upload in a different instance. Here
XMLImporter utility can be also used.
62. How
is the applications security maintained during the OA Framework components
development or how is the required security obtained?
The Database connectivity file ( .dbc file) has the applications
username and password along with the responsibility to be used for connecting
to the applications at page run time.
63. What are the different layers of onion reuse object model in OAF?
The hierarchy is as :
Controller (XXCO.java)
Application Module (XXAMImpl.java, XXAM.xml)
Objects(XXVOImpl.java, XXVORowImpl.java, XXVO.xml)
Entity Objects(XXEOImpl.java, XXEO.xml)
|_ Database
What is ‘Partial Page Rendering’ PPR?
PPR is a mechanism where in only the required part of the page is
refreshed as against the whole page. The page objects fire the ‘events’ and
accordingly the request is handled in the controller file
What are the search region options available?
Simple Search – ResultBasedSearch is the construction mode for the
Advanced or autocustomization search –
Autocustomization is the mode here
None – User has the develop the page,
regions, controller etc here
What is the bean used for supporting transactions across pages visually
to the user?
OATrainBean is used to link the pages across the transaction. AM
supports the transaction context or state here across the pages.
67. How
does personalization takes its effect at runtime?
After the page structure or bean hierarchy is formed with, the
personalization layers get applied on top of it to come up with the final
structure. Remember that is the reason why personalization is upgrade safe.
68. Name some components requiring extension?
View Objects, Controller, Application Module. Yes nested application
module concept is allowed.
After you modify a class file and move it to
the server what is the immediate step that will be followed?
The services of the instance ie. Apache server etc. have to be bounced
so that the new code in the class file takes effect.
69. Where does the two categories of files in OAF be placed in the
All the xml files of the page/region will be placed in the respective
TOP’s mds directory. All the class files irrespective of TOP will be placed
under $JAVA_TOP which can be $COMMON_TOP/java
When do you create additional business components package?
Apart from B4CJ client business components package and B4CJ server
business components package we create additional business components package
when we develop any sharable thing such as ‘LOV’ (List of Values), ‘Poplist’
etc which will be used in multiple pages
71. How do you map the LOV created to your base page?
One of the items in the page has to be MessageLOVInput which extends the
new LOV region, apart from this LOV mappings between base page and LOV region
have to be created.
72. What is the default top region of any new page that you create?
PageLayout is the top level default region
73.At what level region controller for a page can be set?
It can be under a Main region under PageLayoutRegion or any region as
per the business need. Provision of
defining multiple controllers for a page also exist.
PPR follows GET or POST flow?
POST flow
What is the extension to the tool for developing OA F components?
Jdeveloper OA Extension class support
the OA F development
76. What are the methods in controller?
ProcessRequest and processformrequest
77. What is a Controller?
Controller is the java file and can be
associated to a complete OAF page or to a specific region.
There are several tasks you will do
routinely in your code.
? Handle button press and other events
? Automatic queries
? Dynamic WHERE clauses
? Commits
? JSP Forwards
The logic for accomplishing all these
tasks is written in controller
78. When is the processRequest method
PR method is called when the page is
getting rendered onto the screen
79. When is processFormRequest method
PFR method is called when we perform
some action on the screen like click of submit button or click on lov
80. What are levels of personalization?
1. Function Level
2. Localization Level
3. Site Level
4. Organization Level
5. Responsibility Level
6. Admin-Seeded User Level
7. Portlet Level
8. User Level
81) What is the difference between inline
lov and external lov.
Inline lov is a lov which is used only
for that particular page for which it was created and cannot be used by any
other page.
External lov is a common lov which can
be used by any page. It is a common component for any page to use it. It can be
used by giving the full path of the lov in the properties section “External
LOV” of the item.
82) what is a Javabean?
JavaBeans is an object-oriented
programming interface that lets you build re-useable applications or program
building blocks called components that can be deployed in a network on any
major operating system platform.
83) What is query Bean?
QueryBean is used to execute and return
the results of a query on behalf of the QueryPortlet application.
84) what is the difference between
autocustomization criteria and result based search?
Results based search generates search
items automatically based on the columns on the results table.
In Autocustomization search we need to
set what all fields are required to display as a search criteria.
85) what is MDS?
MDS is MetaData Service. When a web page
is broken into small units like buttons,fields etc they are stored in a
database. These are not stored as binary files but as data in tables. The data
are present in JDR tables. MDS provides service to store & return page
definitions. MDS collects those definitions in components/fields in a
meaningful manner to build a page.
86) What is XML?
XML is a markup language for documents
containing structured information.
Structured information contains both
content (words, pictures, etc.) and some indication of what role that content
plays (for example, content in a section heading has a different meaning from
content in a footnote, which means something different than content in a figure
caption or content in a database table, etc.).
87) What is the difference between
customization and extension?
Customization is under direct user
control. The user explicitly selects between certain options. Using
customization a user can:
Altering the functionality of an
Altering existing UI
Altering existing business logic
Extension is about extending the
functionality of an application beyond what can be done through
personalization. Using extension we can:
Add new functional flows
Extend or override existing business
Create New application/module
Create New page
Create New attribute
Extend/Override defaults &
88) What is Personalization?
Personalization enables you to
declaratively tailor the UI look-and-feel, layout or visibility of page content
to suit a business need or a user preference. Using Personalization we can:
• Tailor the order in which table
columns are displayed.
• Tailor a query result.
• Tailor the color scheme of the UI.
• Folder Forms
• Do Forms Personalization
88)Can you extend every possible
Application Module?
Answer: No..Root AM cannot be extended.
89) What is rootAM?
The application module which is
associated with the top-level page region (the pageLayout region) is root
application module.
90) Why can’t Root AM be extended?
The root AM is loaded first and after
that the MDS Substitutions are parsed.
Hence ROOT AM gets loaded even before
the time the substitutions definition from MDS layer get worked out.
Obviously, the root am cant substitute
itself, hence it can’t be extended
91.what is MVC Architecture?
Ans: MVC Architecture is a Model View
Controller Architecture. The controller responds to user actions and directs
application flow. The model encapsulates underlying data and business logic of
the application. The view formats and presents data from a model to the user.
92.which is the MVC layer VO located?
Ans: O is located in the View Layer
which is responsible for presenting the data to the user.
93.Which package should include EO and
Ans: The EO and AO will be present in
the schema.server package.
94.What is the difference between inline
lov and external lov.
Ans: Inline lov is a lov which is used
only for that particular page for which it was created and cannot be used by
any other page.External lov is a common lov which can be used by any page. It
is a common component for any page to use it. It can be used by giving the full
path of the lov in the properties section “External LOV” of the item.
95.what is a Javabean?
Ans: JavaBeans is an object-oriented
programming interface that lets you build re-useable applications or program
building blocks called components that can be deployed in a network on any
major operating system platform.
96.What is query Bean?
Ans: QueryBean is used to execute and
return the results of a query on behalf of the QueryPortlet application.
what is the difference between
autocustomization criteria and result based search?
Ans: Results based search generates
search items automatically based on the columns on the results table.
In Autocustomization search we need to
set what all fields are required to display as a search criteria.
97. what is MDS?
Ans: MDS is MetaData Service. When a web
page is broken into small units like buttons,fields etc they are stored in a
database. These are not stored as binary files but as data in tables. The data
are present in JDR tables. MDS provides service to store & return page
definitions. MDS collects those definitions in components/fields in a
meaningful manner to build a page.
98) Why Should we give retainAM=Y?
Ans: The AM should be retained whenever
you are navigating away from a page and when you know that there is a
possibility to come back to the page again and data is to be retained. Example
: Any navigation link that opens in a new page or any navigation which has a
back button to come back to the initial page.
The AM should not be retained for two
independent pages, especially if they have common VOs which fetch different
result sets. In such cases, retaining the AM may not remove the cache of VOs
and so the result may not be as expected.
99) What is the significance of
Ans: The basic intention of the breadcrumb
is to let the user know of the navigation path he took to reach the current
100) How do you find right jdev patch
for your oracle application version.
Ans: Search in oracle.metalink.com as
Jdev with OA Extension.
101) What are the tools you had used for
decompiling java class?
Ans: Jad is one of the tool for
decompiling the java class.
102. What will setmaxFetchSize(0) will
Ans: setmaxFetchSize just determines how
much data to be sent at a time.
103.Can we use dynamically created VO in
OAF?What is the pros and cons?
Ans: Want to answer this section? use
the comment section.
104.What is advanced table in table?
Ans: Want to answer this section? use
the comment section.
105.What is a HGrid?
Ans: A HGrid, otherwise known as a
hierarchy grid, allows users to browse through complex sets of hierarchical
106. Tell me the OAF components required
for a simple search page?
Ans: VO,AM,Page
107.What is a switcher in oAF and when
it is used?
Ans: A switcher is a control, that
allows the selective display of information.For example if you want to display
a image for update enabled and update disabled you can use switcher.
108.What are all the methods in CO?
Ans: processForRequest
109.When a page renders which method in
CO fires?
Ans: processRequest
110.How do you handle back button
navigation in OAF based application?
Ans: Want to answer this section? use
the comment section.
111.Where will you write your business
Ans: EO.
112.What will vo.createRow() do?
Ans: createRow creates a row in the VO.
113.How do you catch the button event on
ProcessFormRequest Method?
Ans: if
Here update1 is the event.
114.What is pageButton bar?
Ans: When you want to display buttons on
top and bottom of the page then you create a region as pageButtonbar and create
buttons within this region.
115.How do you add a link to OAF Page?
Ans: Create a new item with style as
link and give its destination uri property which is the url where you want to
navigate to.
116.Which is the top most region in OAF
Ans: PageLayoutRN
117.What are all the several ways to
debug an OAF based application?
Ans: We can use the debugger option .Set
breakpoints and run the page in debug mode.
118.How do you call an pl/sql api from
OAF page.
Ans: To call a PL/SQL API from OAF, we
use OracleCallableStatement or CallableStatement
119.Should a search page have an EO?
Ans: Not necessary. If you are creating
a record then we need a EO
120.What will happen when you set
DisableClientSideValidation property to True?
Ans: If you set the property to True it
shows that there will no validation that will occur on the web tier as part of
the form submit.
121.What is SPEL?
Ans: It is an expression that will
either return TRUE or FALSE.
122.Where is a SPEL used?
Ans: SPEL is used in places where you
want to show or hide an item programatically.
123.What is PPR?
Ans: PPR is Partial Page rendering.
Which means that only a particular part of the page is refreshed and not the
entire page.
Examples of PPR scenarios?
Ans: [*]Hiding/Showing Objects[/*]
[*]Read only/Updatable[/*]
124. How do you generate stack of
exception and display the list of error messages in OAF page?
Ans: Create an arrayList of exceptions
then do a raiseBundledException.
125.What is the significance of
ProcessFormData method?
Ans: Fires when page submit happens..
126. Describe the steps for VO
Ans: 1.Identify VO to be extended.And
Copy to your machine from server.
2.Create new Vo in xx.oracle.apps
package and extend parent VO.
3.Create substitution in jdev.
4.Deploy extended VO to $JAVA_TOP.
5.Load jpx file to database using
127.How to enable personlization?
Ans: 1.Login to the application.
2.Click on Functional Administrator
3.Click on Core Services Tab.
4.Click on Profiles.
5.Enter Pers%Self% in Name and click Go.
6.In the results you will see
Personalise Self-Service Defn.Update it and enter Yes in the Site Value
128. When we should bounce the page?
Ans: Want to answer this section? use
the comment section.
129. What is the command used to import
an oaf page and region?
Ans: java
oracle.jrad.tools.xml.importer.XMLImporter $JAVA_TOP/ -username
<>-password <>-dbconnection “(DESCRIPTION=
(CONNECT_DATA= (SID=<>) ) )” -rootdir . ;
130. Where to locate the definition of
standard OAF Pages and regions?
Ans: : $APPL_TOP/icx/11.5.0/mds/por/ —
for purchasing
131. What is Passivation?
Ans: passivation is the process of
saving application state to a secondary medium (the database) at specific event
points so it can be restored (activated) when needed.
132.How do you get the value from the
database sequence?
Ans: OADBTransaction transaction =
Number employeeId =
transaction.getSequenceValue(“SEQ Name”);
133. How do you perform your validation
in OAF?
Ans: All OAF validations are done in the
Entity Object.
134. How do you copy rows from one vo to
Ans: To copy multiple rows you can add
the multipleSelection item for the table.Check which row is selected and write
code for implementing this.
135.What is a transaction unit in OAF?
Ans: With the transaction unit
identifier, you can indicate when a specific UI task begins and ends, and if
the user navigates in an unexpected manner such as using the browser Back
button. You can check the transaction unit status and react to ensure that
inappropriate actions are not performed and unwanted data in the BC4J cache is
not committed.
136. How to implement a dependent poplist?
Ans: Dependent poplist can be
implemented by enabling firePartialAction and capturing the event for the
source poplist and passing the value selected in the source to the method where
we set the where clause and execute the query for the destination poplist.
137.How do we pass parameters between
Here fname is the variable we are
passing to the DetailsPG.
138. How do we synchronize a EO and
Table in the database?
Ans: Right click on the EO and click
139. How to set currency formatting in
an OAF advance table region?
Ans: pageContext.getOANLSServcies().formatCurrency(num,”USD”);
140. How to call Concurrent Program in
Ans :
public int submitRequest( String
ProgramApplication ,String ProgramName ,String ProgramDescription ,String
StartTime,boolean SubRequest,Vector Parameters ) throws
ProgramApplication -Application Short
name of application under which the program is registered.
ProgramName – Concurrent Program Name
for which the request has to be submitted.
ProgramDescription – Concurrent Program
StartTime – Time at which the request
should start running.
SubRequest – Set to TRUE if the request
is submitted from another running request and has to be treated as a sub
Parameters – Parameters of the
concurrent Request.
public int submitCPRequest(OAPageContext oapagecontext,OAWebBean
oawebbean,Number headerId)
OAApplicationModule am =
try {
OADBTransaction tx = (OADBTransaction)am.getOADBTransaction();
java.sql.Connection pConncection = tx.getJdbcConnection();
ConcurrentRequest cr = new ConcurrentRequest(pConncection);
String applnName = "PO"; //Application that contains the concurrent
String cpName = "POXXXX"; //Concurrent program name
String cpDesc = "Concurrent Program Description"; //
concurrent Program description
Vector cpArgs = new Vector();
// Pass the Arguments using vector
int requestId = cr.submitRequest(applnName, cpName, cpDesc, null, false,
cpArgs); // Calling the Concurrent
return requestId;
catch (RequestSubmissionException e)
OAException oe = new OAException(e.getMessage());
throw oe; }
141. How to Extend a VO which is having
View Link?
Ans :
VO extension will take of viewlink by
itself So we can extend this VO as usual VO Extension.
142.What is the Purpose of Serializable
in OAF?
Ans: To Pass Multiple parameters of
different type as a single
143. How to Synchronize an Entity Object
(EO) with Data Base?
Step 1 : Right click on Entity
Object(EO) and click on “Synchronize with DataBase..”
Step 2 : Double Click on the EO, Click
on Attributes in the left Panel and then Click on “New from Table….”
144. What are the methods in controller?
Controller is having three type of methods they are
ProcessRequest, 2.ProcessFormRequest 3. ProcessFormData
145. How do you catch the button event
on ProcessFormRequest Method?
(pageContext.getParameter(.EVENT_PARAM). equals(“update”)) Here update is the
146. How to create a Dynamic VO?
OAApplicationModule am = oapagecontext.getApplicationModule(oawebbean);
String DynamicVOQuery = “select
a.scheduled_start_date,a.wip_entity_id,b.wip_entity_name from WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS
DynamicVOQuery = DynamicVOQuery +
"where a.wip_entity_id=b.wip_entity_id and wip_entity_name = :1 ";
OAViewObject DynamicViewObject =(OAViewObject)
if(DynamicViewObject == null) {
DynamicViewObject =(OAViewObject)
am.createViewObjectFromQueryStmt("DynamicVO ", DynamicVOQuery);
oracle.jbo.Row row1 =DynamicViewObject.first();
if(row1 != null)
{ String
mFndUserDescription = row1.getAttribute(0).toString(); }
147. When is processFormRequest method
ProcessFormRequest(PFR)t method is
called when we perform some action on the screen like click of submit button or
click on Go or any action perform on the page the result is displayed is called
148. Which package should include EO and
Ans: The EO and AO will be present in
the schema.server package.
149.What is Activation and Passivation
in OAF
Passivation is the process of saving
application state to a secondary medium (the database) at specific event points
so it can be restored (activated) when needed. This restoration of data is
called Activation. Passivation in OAF is done implicitly when the appropriate
profile options are enabled.
150. What is Validation View
Object(VVO), Validation Application Module , Root Application Module , View
Link , Entity Expert , Association Object , Attribute Set?
Validation View Object – A view object
created exclusively for the purpose of performing light-weight SQL validation
on behalf of entity objects or their experts.
Validation Application Module – An
application module created exclusively for the purpose of grouping and
providing transaction context to related validation view objects. Typically, a
standalone entity object or the top-level entity object in a composition would
have an associated validation application module.
Root Application Module – Each
pageLayout region in an OA Framework application is associated with a “root”
application module which groups related services and establishes the
transaction context.
This transaction context can be shared
by multiple pages if they all reference the same root application module, and
instruct the framework to retain this application module (not return it to the
pool) when navigating from page to page within the transaction task.
View Link – Establishes a master/detail
relationship between two view objects
Entity Expert – A special singleton
class registered with an entity object (EO) that performs operations on behalf
of the EO.
Association Object – BC4J association
objects implement the relationships between entity objects. For example, a
purchase order header can reference a supplier, or it can own its order lines.
Attribute Set – Bundles of region or
item properties that can be reused either as is or with modifications. For
example, all buttons sharing the same attribute set would have the same label
and Alt text.
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